Possibility from Generation

    Misinterpreting projects, instructions, or what someone says is something I’m, unfortunately, good at. I do my best to understand what an assignment is, but at times I still tend to make mistakes. Because of this, I had to put a lot more time into this Mesh Mashup final along with another final project. Even under this stress along with the struggle of trying to generate more ideas as a perfectionist, I was able to finish the object designs. 

    This design below is what I had made in my last assignment and since it was the design that I had worked the longest on, it is the design I’m most satisfied with. Later on in this blog, you’ll see the rendered version. 

    Starting off the generated ideas for this project, I had the idea of creating a fox themed grandfather clock. I wanted the clock to have a nature feel that was focused on foxes, but as a person who loves many details, I struggled to find good objects to put onto the clock. After more inspiration searching, I ended up with this design. 

    During any project, I’m sure anyone goes through a bump. This piece is probably my least favorite, as I struggled to find the objects I needed on Thingiverse. I had seen a a picture of a music box clock, and that was the inspiration of the glasses’ design, but because of my limited resources and limited time, I wasn’t able to make this design into something extremely detailed. 

    Scrolling through Thingiverse for any inspiration and ideas, I stumbled upon a cute 3D design that had a hat as a part of the design. Importing it into Thinkercad and taking it apart, I made a Jester hat headphone design. Once again, with the subculture styles in mind, I wanted to make a creative design that could attach onto headphones, that also could look fashionable and fun. 

    Looking at many creative tea sets during my idea research, I had wondered what things could be a fun and contrasting design for a tea kettle. Eventually, I stumbled upon a milk carton and thought it’d be fun to make a milk carton kettle. Putting things together, I created the idea of a cat tea party, where the fish fly out of the milk carton kettle and turn into cat biscuits shaped as fish. Although it may seem like a silly idea, I had quite a lot of fun with this model. 

    While looking for several designs for the models I had created so far, I stumbled upon many cookie cutter objects and object designs of electronics on Thinigiverse. Having this in mind, I wanted to try to go for a cookie inspired electronic design. Originally, seeing a Biscoff Biscuit model, I was only going to make a biscuit USB design, but while making this model, I thought I could take the idea further, leading to me making a USB, laptop, and headphones based off sweets. 

     Since the very beginning of starting this project, I had an idea of a pot of plant that had a some sort of inanimate face that plants could be growing out of from their eyes. It's quite a weird idea but I wanted to somehow incorporate that into a design of a pot. It took me a while to decide on a design, after modeling one piece after another, but eventually I got the idea to use models of bears to make this idea come to life. 

    Recently, although something quite random to mention, I’ve been really into fruits. Going into this project, I wanted to make at least one fruit inspired design. Combining a fruit juice box with a telephone, I ended with this design. I thought it’d be so fun to stumble upon a telephone box outside with this silly design. 

    Around the end of this idea generation, I ended off looking at many nostalgic objects as inspiration for many of the objects I had made. Realizing this, I wanted to make a model that would be something I probably would have come up with as a kid while drawing. I always had loved drawing as a kid, so I combined a crayon with a rocket in the end, and using the scribble object tool in Tinkercad, made a design that could seem like a kid’s drawing.

Now that I was finished with the designs, I imported the first umbrella design into Rhino to render. 

    Although, I had the knowledge from class and the notes I took with me, I had stumbled onto a problem on Rhino. Coloring was no problem, but a huge chunk of the model would get selected when clicking on just one part (red colored parts), despite it not being grouped in Tinkercad. Only a couple objects (the beige colored objects) were imported as an individual model. I tried using the ungrouping command along with looking at the layers to see if they were all linked together, but nothing seemed to be helping to get the objects separated. With outside help, I got told that it automatically grouped together when importing it to Rhino, even if it may not have been grouped in Tinkercad. Although I wished that I solved this problem, it was too late at night. I hope that in my next class that I'm able to figure out this problem, or know what I could do to prevent this problem. 


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